Data and the amount of it that is generated seems to be everywhere today and has revolutionized our insights into behavior, while giving us a much better insight into human interaction and what makes us tick. More and more organizations are turning to AI (Artificial Intelligence) to help them understand the psychology and behavior of their customers and adjust the way they position and sell their products and services accordingly.

Our relationship with data is changing all the time as better tools are developed to analyze and interact with it, and we’ve put together 10 ways that AI has transformed the customer experience and journey:

AI Lets Us Look at Data in Many Different Ways

While there is a myriad of different apps available that use multiple technologies to analyze data and that look at the different ways people access data and information, bots is one of the more exciting developments in AI today. The use of bots has enabled data to be more interactive and not just “read only”.

AI can Streamline Processes More Effectively, Regardless of the Process

Customer interaction usually always follows the same route and is the art of enabling information to be available to customers without asking them to go through a multitude of different steps to get it. AI has allowed data to be super-targeted to customers based on what it already knows about them, and a notable example of this is the targeted advertising that Facebook offers. AI makes information available to customers in a very streamlined and targeted way.

AI can use Data That is Often Discarded

A huge trend in data and analytics today is “data overflow”, and with so much data coming from multiple sources such as public data sets, devices and applications it is no wonder that much of this data is often deleted or even discarded. Rather than throw this data away, AI can provide valuable insights into customer behaviors.

AI can provide Better Options for the Future

Capturing data in any domain or vertical is easy, but the hard part is to make sense of that large amount of data. You can look at the way your customers use your applications and based on that the next things you can present to your customers can be derived from historical trends or things your organization has learnt from your other users.

When you Have Too Many Options, AI Can Adapt

Most customers don’t know what type of app to use for what purpose, and information is then harder to reach because you have so many apps that you lose track of which one to use to do what. AI can adapt and help make applications smarter.

The More Data You Feed to AI, The Smarter it Becomes

A good system should have a pattern analysis, but this depends on the field your organization is in. If you can complete data sets and analyze key patterns with them, all the way to positive outcomes, this will give you a much greater insight into the behavior of your customers. This is what gives you good data to adjust your selling patterns and customer interactions with. Bots, machine learning and AI are simply the next step and evolution in the focus on the customer experience.

With AI, the Focus is on the Customer

Machine learning and AI are both at the heart of smarter and more carefully targeted applications. They are customer-centric as opposed to system-centric, and with the refocus on the customer experience shift that happened a few years ago they became the heart of new systems. AI can be used to dramatically improve the user experience in general by making the data, or the application, more accessible.

Systems are Made Simpler with AI

Some notable examples of customer apps that focus heavily on the customer experience are Ebay and Facebook and today many other apps developed by large enterprises are following suit thanks to AI. Some companies are starting to drive their focus on the customer experience to the point where it is unacceptable to have systems that deliver a poor customer experience. Learn from those who do it well.

AI Knows You Are Not Focused on how an Item is Made

Today the customer experience must be simpler and more intuitive, but at the same time there is much more data to process to deliver that experience. The only way to do this is via new systems of intelligence that delivers carefully targeted and relevant data to their customers. For an organization today, the customer experience can be the main driver of success versus failure.

The Customer Experience Evolves with AI

Many companies have a competitive advantage with each other in various industries to deliver the best customer experience where ease of use was prioritized. Customers now expect that all the apps and systems will just work without any problems or issues. Many apps today are now text or voice based, which makes them easier to use and to find out exactly what you want to find out first time every time.